What Should the Incidence Meter Read With Airplane Level and Reading at Root Rib

Picture 5

  • How would you describe them?
  • What could y'all tell on the topic?

Motion-picture show Clarification Procedure (suggestion)

one) Draw the picture in one judgement, give simply the nigh of import information at thisphase. Use; This is a picture of ...

2) Describe the details in the picture, starting time with the most important details and so the lessimportant ones. This is a good opportunity to use lots of vocabulary and show the examiner what you know.

iii) Make deductions nigh what you lot tin can't see in the pic. Oft this relates to part 2,when you describe details you can make deductions at the same time. Apply the language of speculation ( this could/ might be etc...)

Deductions often relate to; passengers (where they are & how they feel), the crusade of theincident/ situation, what you think is going to happen next, the weather and how it influenced the situation. How the situation you describe volition affect the area around information technology (the drome usually).

A little vocabulary to assistance?

 What kind of damage?

bogged down - cutting - flat - scratched - cleaved - damaged - frozen - smoking - broken down - defective - inoperative (inop) - seeping - outburst - deflated - jammed - leaking - spilled - collapsed - dented - lost - stuck - missing - twisted - contaminated - faulty - overflowing

unserviceable (U/Southward) -croaky - shattered - on fire - overheated - worn

How bad is it?

very dented? quite dented? rather dented? slightly dented? inappreciably dented? severely dented? a piddling dented?...

  1. Runway excursion 1
  2. Rail Circuit two **
  3. Tailstrike 1
  4. Tailstrike 2 *
  5. Tailstrike 3 **
  6. Ground movements
  7. Airfields: for or against?
  8. Birdstrike **
  9. De-icing/Anti-icing *
  10. Deicing 2**
  11. Engines **
  12. Maintenance
  13. On the road 1 **
  14. On the road 2
  15. Hudson "miracle" 1 **
  16. Hudson "miracle" ii
  17. Shaken cabin 1 *
  18. Depressurization**
  19. Shaken cabin 2
  20. At the boneyard*
  21. Damaged radome 1**
  22. Damaged radome 2
  23. Snow **
  24. Disruptive passenger
  25. Volcanic ash

Runway circuit 1

On 16 October 2008, a RutacaBoeing 737-200, registered YV162T, landed on runway 28R at Caracas-Simón Bolívar International Aerodrome (CCS) following a domestic flight from Puerto Ordaz (PZO). Later on touchdown the aeroplane swerved to the left. The nose came to balance on the runway embankment. [

Rail Circuit ii **

Read about it on Aviation Herald

Become more data on runway excursion prevention

a) What threats should exist taken intro consideration when a airplane pilot has a nose gear collapse?

b) What is the relation between nose gear collapse and rails circuit?

c) To what extent do yous agree or disagree with this statement: ¨difficult landings can cause landing gear collapse and tin can atomic number 82 to a runway circuit¨.

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Tailstrike 1

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Tailstrike 2 *

You can grab some vocabulary by reading about this tail strike in the Aviation Herald

Tailstrike 3 **

If y'all ain "Check your aviation English language", take a look at unit of measurement 19.

For more go to the Take off page

Draw a take-off incident y'all know of.

What do pilots consider when planning a take-off?

What things do ATCs consider when managing departing traffic?

What problems are associated with incorrect weight and balance?

What other problems tin occur at take-off?

A) Nether what circumstances could this have happened?

B) Can y'all imagine improvements that could prevent a tail-strike in the future?

C) To what extent do you hold or disagree with the following statement ¨it is difficult to identify a crusade for tail-strikes once there are a lot of factors involved.

Dorsum to top

Ground movements

Draw a ground movement accident y'all've had or know of.

What do you think are the major causes of basis movement accidents?

What can be done to reduce taxiway accidents?

What technology exists to help reduce the number of accidents on the ground?

Do you remember the incidence of footing movement accidents will increase or subtract in the future? Why?

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Airfields: for or against?

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Birdstrike **

For more go to the birdstrike page

Depict a birdstrike incident you know of.

Why exercise birds inhabit airfield environments?

What measures can airports use to control birds?

What sort of damage can birdstrikes do to aircraft?

Practise you think birdstrike incidents will increase or decrease? Why?

a) What would be your major business concern if you faced the same situation?

b) What strategies could be developed to forestall bird strikes?

c) To what extent practise yous hold or disagree with this statement: ¨the problem of bird-strikes is associated with governmental issues that go beyond aviation ¨.

Dorsum to top

De-icing/Anti-icing *

Deicing two**

More on deicing here.
If you want to know more nearly Common cold Weather Operation, take a look at this ebook by Airbus: Getting to the grips with Cold Weather Operation
How nearly some new techniques to reduce cost and impact on surroundings, such as infrared de-icing?

Is icing an issue where you work or fly? Why? Why not?

What meteorological conditions lead to icing?

Why is ice accession a trouble?

What equipment do aircraft accept to manage icing?

What do pilots typically do if they experience severe icing in flight?

A) What actions would you accept before landing if you faced a like scenario?

B) How tin can de-icing procedures affect airport operation and crews' tasks?

C) To what extent do you agree or disagree with this argument: ¨New technologies in the deicing liquids should be developed to reduce the environmental impact¨.

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Engines **

Fir more than on engines get there and for more on the future of engines and plane go there.

a) What could have caused this situation?

b) Practise you foresee improvements in the technology in the futurity that will be to prevent engine fire?

c) To what extend practice you hold or disagree with this argument: ¨if the crew members hadn't had the adequate training they could take unnecessarily shut the wrong engine downwards¨.

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On the road 1 **

Read virtually this event here.
Hither is a link to the elevation ten causes of the fatal GA accidents

On Road Landing accept a look at this folio

a) Can you imagine improvements in the future that can avoid a similar situation?

b) Do you lot think it would be possible for the pilot to take off from this route if he plant out the shipping didn't accept any damage?

c) To what extent do you agree or disagree with this argument: "Fuel starvation is the most common crusade for emergency landings."

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On the road 2

Dorsum to top

Hudson "miracle" 1 **

For more on this "phenomenon" you can get there

A) In your opinion what can brand a airplane pilot ditch an aircraft?

B) Is ditching more hazardous on the bounding main, a lake or a river? Why?

C) To what extent do you concur or disagree with this statement: "Fifty-fifty though the pilot of this shipping has performed a successful ditching he was non prepared to perform this maneuver considering it is impossible to rehearse it completely."

Dorsum to height

Hudson "miracle" 2

Describe a ditching you've had or know of.

What exercise y'all think are the major causes of ditchings?

What can be done to minimize the risk after ditching?

What technology exists to help pilots of aircraft who take ditched?

Exercise you think the incidence of ditchings volition increase or decrease in the future? Why?
Back to meridian

Shaken cabin 1 *

About Asiana at San Francisco
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A) Why is communication betwixt flight attendants and pilots very of import during depressurization?

B) Can you imagine whatever technological innovation, which can minimize the effects in a situation like this?

C) To what extent do you agree or disagree with this statement: ¨lack of training of the pilots and flight attendants is the major crusade, which can lead to this situation¨.

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Shaken cabin ii

Dorsum to tiptop

At the boneyard*

Looks like this 727 isn't going anywhere soon. This photo is for the 3rd year Aeronautical Engineering Class at Wits! Nosotros all got to go flying at HLA, and spent the rest of the afternoon walking effectually the boneyard. A fiddling bird tells me there may be 1 oxygen mask missing from this aircraft...


5 things well-nigh boneyards

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Damaged radome 1**

For bad atmospheric condition go at that place.

a) From you point of view, what should a airplane pilot practice to avoid severe weather condition weather?

b) How tin can a hailstorm jeopardize prophylactic of the flight?

c) To what extent do you agree or disagree with this statement ¨hail poses a big threat to the shipping¨.

Damaged radome 2

Back to elevation

Snowfall **

If yous want to know more than about Common cold Weather Operation, accept a wait at this ebook past Airbus: Getting to the grips with Common cold Weather Operation

A) Tin can you tell me about the training for this conditions condition?

B) What is the importance of de-ice?

C) To what extent practice you agree or disagree with this argument ¨Information technology is very difficult to effigy out if a runway is slippery for takeoff or landing ¨.

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Confusing rider

For more go to the Passengers folio

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Volcanic ash

For more go to the Volcano page

What are the furnishings of flying through a volcanic eruption?

What signs may signal that an aircraft is flying through volcanic ash?

What should pilots do if they meet volcanic ash?

What effect can a volcanic eruption take on the local environment and community?

What other seismic activity can affect aviation?

Back to meridian


You should try to respond the following questions:

The picture/photograph shows …

This is a picture of …

In this picture I can run into …

This is an incident that happened …

Where was the motion-picture show taken? on the apron, on the rail, on the taxiway, in the air….

If on ground, the kind of aerodrome (big, small,…) – To support your opinion, depict the surroundings (forest, beach,…), the signs and markings (CAT II….), the runway(s), the belfry, the vehicles, the people…

If in the air, the phase of the flight (climbing, descending, en route…) – To back up your opinion, draw the pitch, the flaps, the gear…

When was the picture taken? after an accident, while the problem was happening…

How is the atmospheric condition?

What kind of aircraft is information technology? If you can't name it/them, describe it/them (engines, trunk, wings, winglets, tail…., cargo, passenger………)

What part of the aircraft is shown on the picture?

What kind of damage (if any) practise y'all see? (hole, dent, crack…) (severe, low-cal…)

What is happening at present? (the aircraft is trying to land…, a basis vehicle is about to cross the runway...)

What has (probably) happened? (They may take gone through a storm. The engine must have ingested a big bird, a vulture for example.….)

Why, in your opinion, is it happening or did it happen? (due to a rapid decompression, considering of a disruptive rider, in order to recycle the gear…..)

How does it compare to other accidents, incidents… you call up? (It reminds me of the Air France accident…)


What tin can or should be done about it?  (At that place shouldn't be any landfill near the airports…)

What is probable to happen in the future?

Express your opinion (In my stance,.... I believe.... I call back...

Become more than ideas hither or  by clicking on the picture beneath

Heed to people describing pictures here, including comparing, contrasting....

In this article we will focus on how to describe the physical structure of a stock-still wing aircraft, and also comprehend some grammatical structures you tin can utilise to relate the data.  Of form many pilots volition already be familiar with these words but it is worth ensuring that you tin can utilise the words with correct grammar, eg prepositions.

Most shipping have the following major components.

  • fuselage
  • wings
  • empennage
  • landing gear
  • power plant


Source: http://english4aviation.pbworks.com/w/page/75595130/Pictures%205

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